A Shiny expert at your side

No more messy Shiny applications that look amateurish.

Call on an expert to create a flexible, intuitive, and aesthetically pleasing web application.

Book a call

From small Shiny project
to the real deal.

You want to create your reporting tools

Reporting tools

Since you already use the R language, and because your Excel file with 50 tabs is getting frighteningly bulky, you turn to the R Shiny technology to track your indicators and analyze your data.

You could already quickly make small applications by yourself.


you want to kick it up a notch

You would like to go to the next level and:

  • Improve your existing applications,
  • Create new tools,
  • Deploy your applications on a large scale

And it would be nice if the applications were fast, fluid, with a nice intuitive interface and easy to use!

Except that...

You can't do as much as you'd like

More and more bugs keep appearing left and right, maybe even errors in your data analysis, and you are not sure how to add the features you want.

Worst, your applications start feeling a bit broken...

Reporting tools

We help you to

Create Shiny applications


You have a clear idea of the tool you want to create.

Your tool may even already exist in an Excel sheet.

Debugging shiny applications


You can't handle all these bugs.

And it would be nice if the slowness could be fixed once and for all.

professionalize your applications


You want to add features to a prototype.

Like optimizing how the application runs or looks.

The 3 problems that prevent you from reaching your goals

The time problem

You have already started development, but you realize that you will never finish in time.

We can quickly jump in to help you finish on schedule.

Lack of resources

You are capable of developing your tool, but you already have many other projects underway and lack the internal resources for this project.

We reinforce your team so that your project can finally see the light of day.

Lack of knowledge

Your developers can code in R, but lack knowledge of R Shiny? You don't know how to migrate your application to the cloud?

We offer training and coaching to make your employees autonomous.

Reporting tools

Our services


Your application is slow and your backlog is filling up with more and more unresolvable bugs? Let us audit your application to understand where the problems come from and help you take the right actions as soon as possible.

  • Analysis of the code organization to facilitate maintenance.
  • Identification of bottlenecks and search for performance optimizations.
  • Bug solving and advice on how to avoid them in the future.
  • Drafting of a documented report on areas of improvement.

After having established together the specifications of the reporting tool you wish to create or improve, we develop your Shiny application. Beyond the simple respect of the defined tasks, we strive to offer:

  • Optimized processing for a smooth and fast experience.
  • The creation of a flexible, intuitive interface, with a neat aesthetic.
  • A clean, neat, and documented code, so that your teams can easily take over.

If you want to see the development of your tool accelerate AND develop your skills at the same time, our coaching offer is your best bet:

  • Flexible format according to your needs: Co-coding, mentoring, etc.
  • Adapted to your needs, we address your current issues.
  • You keep full control of your project, we only intervene in a support role when you need it the most.

We offer training to increase the skills of your team on the issues of tomorrow. Examples of training:

  • Creating interactive applications with R Shiny
  • Introduction to Git to manage a project in R
  • Deploying a Shiny application on a Linux server
Some examples

Cartoline project

Total redesign of a multi-screen application with integration of a graphic model.

The Cartoline tool is a predictive maintenance information system used by Enedis to anticipate incidents.


DebtwatchR project

Improvement of the UX/UI on a tool intended for the general public.

In collaboration with the OFCE (Observatoire Français des Conjonctures Economiques - French Economic Observatory).

See the case study


ERC Lynx tool

Deployment of a server to host an R Shiny application with authentication and important simulation calculations (10+ hours per scenario).

The ERC Lynx tool aims to Avoid, Reduce and Compensate the mortality of Lynx by collision with transport vehicles.

Example Example

What they are saying about us

Maxime de Bellefroid, indépendant

Après avoir développé plusieurs applications Shiny, Charles m'a aidé à les déployer sur un site Wordpress pour les rendre accessible au grand public. Au fil du temps et grâce aux conseils de Charles, je suis devenu autonome sur les problématiques de déploiement que je maîtrise suffisamment à présent pour évoluer tout seul.

Maxime de Bellefroid, indépendant

Robin Sarfati, Big Data R&D Director - Real Consulting Data

Très pro et pédagogue, l’ensemble de l’équipe a apprécié l’intervention de Charles. Nous ferons à nouveau appel à ses services.

Robin Sarfati, Big Data R&D Director - Real Consulting Data

Daniel Finke, Professor of Policital Science - Aarhus University

Charles is a fantastic freelancer, it has been a pleasure to work with him and I am going to rehire him soon.

Daniel Finke, Professor of Policital Science - Aarhus University

Daniel Sack, Principal - The Boston Consulting Group

Charles worked with my team to develop and deploy an R-shiny application/working prototype as part of an advanced analytics pilot for a multinational retailer.
He demonstrated great flexibility and commitment while working on tight deadlines, both remotely and on-site.
He was proactive and communicated clearly. Charles was a pleasure to work with and would be an asset to any applied data science team!

Daniel Sack, Principal - The Boston Consulting Group

Denys Kornilov, COO - Cargo Media AG

Charles worked on building a statistical predictive model for forecasting subscription revenues and conversion rates.
This included understanding how the business works, selecting the optimal modelling approach, some original statistical research, implementing the models in code in a clean and maintainable fashion, exposing some of the results as dynamic R Shiny dashboards.
Charles did an amazing job in all these points and I would be very happy to work with him again.

Denys Kornilov, COO - Cargo Media AG

Matt Mazur, Marketing Engineering Lead - Automattic

Charles is a world-class data scientist and a great communicator. I’d highly recommend him to anyone looking for help with their data science work.

Matt Mazur, Marketing Engineering Lead - Automattic

Who are we?

Data champ'

Shiny is a great technology to create a prototype quickly and easily when you already know R.

But you quickly realize that developing a professional Shiny application involves much more than the R language: First of all, we create a web application.

That's why DATA CHAMP' gathers experts from many web domains to help you create your Shiny application:

  • R Shiny experts of course,
  • But also graphic design, UI/UX, and web integration experts to create good-looking and user-friendly applications,
  • And system administrators and DevOps to help you succeed in your deployments

It's easy to get lost in the code and striggle for many days when developing a Shiny application. We can help you.
